
As a rookie team, before and during the build season we completed long hours of research on how to form a team, what we needed for a team, and what to expect from the game -- and we came across some very helpful resources during the process:

Even before our season started, our team diligently prepared ourselves with the information a rookie team would need to succeed.  After splitting up into four main "tech" groups (manipulators, chassis, programming, and electronics), our mentors prepared lessons on the subjects we would need to be fluent in for the upcoming season. 

Using our mentor's past experiences with FRC to guide us, we learned about everything from gears to torque to the unique parts we will be using.  Thanks to our sponsors at CMU, specifically the wonderful mentors from the Field Robotics Center, we've been able to practice using equipment that most of us have never seen before. 

To see more of our team, visit our Youtube Page, our Facebook Girls of Steel page, or return here for more updates.  

We've been fortunate to be featured in the media -- follow these links to read the fantastic articles about us:
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (11/29/2010)
Pittsburgh Tribute-Review (3/12/2011)
PopCity (1/26/2011)
The Journal (12/6/2010)
The Journal (4/1/2011)
E-Tech (3/17/2011)
The Ellis Magazine (Spring 2011)
The Cranberry Patch (4/30/2011)
Carnegie Mellon University website (April 2011)
The Peters Patch (5/7/2011)

Below are some of the amazing things we've been able to accomplish so far. 

We made videos for sponsors...

 ...and even created our own test robot.

Click on the following icon for a flyer we developed, designed to promote Engineering to students.